As the first line of defense between your home and the elements, you depend on your roof to hold up against nature’s fiercest attacks. The roofing industry is constantly innovating with new products that provide more reliable and longer-lasting outcomes.
When it comes to choosing the right type of material for your new roof, StormFighter IR shingles can be trusted to provide the utmost protection. Here are three reasons why you should choose StormFighter IR shingles:
- Quick and easy installation: StormFighter IR shingles were created to have a larger nailing zone that requires only four nails. This product benefits homeowners and roofing experts alike as it is simple to install, meaning you can enjoy your new roof faster.
- Aesthetic: This product combines beauty and strength to appeal to your sense of style while also fulfilling your desire for results you can trust and rely on.
- Durability: StormFighter IR shingles are qualified for a UL 2218 Class 4 Impact Rating, a category that only the most durable products in the roofing industry can achieve. These shingles are outfitted with extra reinforcement to ensure that even the strongest weather conditions cause no damage to your home. Able to withstand winds of up to 160 mph, StormFighter IR shingles are unique in that the entire backside of the shingle is protected with a reinforcing layer so that you don’t have to worry in the event of extreme weather.
If you’re interested in learning more about StormFighter IR shingles and whether this product would be the right fit for you, contact us at All About Roofs!